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I love to deliver product. I wish to stay close to production lines. QA, development are my two favourite field of competence.


2016Driver Riper (Montpellier)

Bin packing and manipulations of heavy objects in order to move people.

Technologies Brain & Muscles (fingers and legs)
Functional Communication, et don't break
Tools Scotch, toolbox, screws, case, cardboxes, paper...

2013/2015 Ubity (Montréal)

Generalist developer for a TelCo specialized in Voice over IP

Main focus
Technologies Python 2, web, REST, html5, asterisk
Functional VoIP, Coding, documentation, R&D, SIP
Tools & softwares nginx, mysql, javascript, mysql, jquery, pyzmq, virtualenv, stdeb

2013 / Ubisoft (Montréal)

As a senior dev I was part of the tools team deploying the online part of the games orchestrated with django.

Technologies Python 2, web, REST, html5
Methodologies Scruming, agile
Functional Development, documentation, R&D
Software and tools nginx, apache, postgresql, django, flask, LDAP, Active Directory, mysql, jquery, pyzmq

2011 MassMotionMedia Rich Format Media Advertising

As a python senior I took part in the following projects:

Technologies Python, web, REST, html5
Méthodologies Scruming, agile developement;
Functional Quality Assurance, project management, developement, documentation
Softwares and tools nginx, mercurial, Chiliproject (aka redmine), postgresql, SqlSoup, turbogears, pyquery, jquery, slqsoup

2010 Cellfish Media

Lead Développeur on a billing solution for mobile payment.

Technologies LAMP, REST, Web services
Methodologies Scruming, agile dévelopement
Functional Quality Assurance, project management, developement, documentation, ticketing, source management, unit testing
Softwares and tools Apache, mysql, jira, hudson

2005 - 2010 Freelance

Web agencies, banks and Telco were my main customers. Freelancing requires a great flexibility in technologies and competences, as a result I mixed up lots of OS (windows, BSD, linux), languages (C#, C, Php, Perl) and function (development, architecture, system administration, technical writing, and consulting).

Technologies LAMP, C# asp.Net, Perl, PHP, bash, C++, C, python, web, REST
Functional Quality Assurance, project management, developement, documentation, ticketing, consulting, specifications, system administration
Tools and software FreeBSD, Debian, RHEL, svn, cvs, mercurial, matplotlib, request tracker, Apache, mysql, postgresql, ISC DHCPd, ISC Bind, postfix, spip (CMS), openLDAP...

2002 - 2005 Telco

I worked for two operators LDCOM, and France Telecom.
LDCOM mission included writing evoluted probes for network equipments and RIPE relations (IPv4 allocation).
I took part in FTC closure thus new backbone creation, and developing tools for handling cable modem IP allocation, I implemented dhcpd leasequery, and had to write technical documentaion on the standard operations. I also particpated in the installation of (Request Tracker).

Technologies LAMP, Perl, PHP, bash, C, Set top box FRESCO
Functional Development, architecture, technical writing, system administration
Software and tools Debian, RHEL, svn, cvs, kickstart, request tracker, Apache, mysql, ISC DHCPd, ISC Bind, postfix

1999 - 2002 Free Software Engineering

Open care, Easter-eggs, Alcôve were my first experiences.
Pioneer in free software business models they taught me at first hand what is free software business model: excellency.
Plus: multi head CL5480 FB driver for linux.

Technologies LAMP, Perl, PHP, bash, C, web
Functional Consultant, Sysadmin, dévelopment, project management, R&D
Software and tools Debian, RHEL, Apache, samba, NFS, mysql, postgresql, postfix, NIS, Linux


Projets fun

multi agent simulation matplotlib
Spectrosonogram with matplotlib
My tool for parsing and plotting web stats

uses yahi and flask
Download stats on pypi

uses archery and flask


1998 Master in applied science mention assez bien

Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI)
Option: micro-electronic (VLSI design & interface programmation)
Tools VHDL, PSpice, matlab
version interactive

Julien Tayon
Tel: +33 7 6886 1982
Paris, FR

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