Track: Python devroom Room: H.1308 (Rolin) Day: Saturday Start: 11:30 End: 12:00(me too, I love to have the slides during presentation so here is the url
If you behave nicely and consistently you have super cow powers including
Doesn't it look like the exact perfect match case of a unit test?
Consistent Algebra test
************************************************** testing for 'complex' class a = (1+0j) b = (1+1j) c = (1-4j) an_int = 2 other_scalar = 3 neutral element for addition is 0j ************************************************** test #1 a + b = b + a 'test_commutativity' is 'ok' test #2 a + neutral = a 'test_neutral' is 'ok' ... other tests .... test #12 an_int ( a + b) = an_int *a + an_int * b 'test_distributivity' is 'ok' ************************************************** 14/14 <type 'complex'> respects the linear algebrae standard rules **************************************************
Type | Neutral of add. | Neutral of mul. | Result |
Numpy array | zeroes(dim) | ones(dim) | OK |
floats | 0.0 | 1.0 | OK |
int | 0 | 1 | OK |
Decimal | Decimal(0.000000) | Decimal(1.000000) | KO |
complex | 0+0j | 1+0j | OK |
list | [ ] | 1 | KO |
Yes, math rox, you are free to code whatever you want and you don't have to justify youself, as long as you pass the tests
Note: it has nothing to do with coconut/rust algebraic data type as explained on wikipedia. I would say, if I would understand it.
On a MutableMapping anything that is not a leaf is a part of a key.
But let's turn
{ 'a': { 'b' : 1 }, 'b' : 2}
{ ('a', 'b') : 1; 'b': 2 }
All keys are immutable. So the tuple of the keys is also...immutable.
Every distinct immutables path to a value are a key, and
then we can reduce a recursive problem to a 1 level problem.
All MutableMapping are utimately possibly put in a canonical one level form.
Every distinct immutable paths to a value are equivalent to a dimension.
We have an isomorphism between the one level MutableMapping and arbitrary depth MutableMappings.
Arbitrary choices:
__neg__ = lambda self: self*=-1to ensure consistency
The exact same trick can probably be implemented in C++, in ruby, Perl, PHP, javascript...
************************************************** testing for 'Daikyu' class a = {'one_and_two': 3, 'one': 1} b = {'two': 2, 'one_and_two': -1} c = {'one': 3, 'three': 1, 'two': 2} an_int = 2 other_scalar = 3 neutral element for addition is {} ************************************************** ... 16 tests later ... ************************************************** 16/16Yes!!!respects the linear algebrae standard rules **************************************************
from collections import MutableMapping MARKER=object() def paired_row_iter(tree, path=MARKER): if path is MARKER: path = tuple() for k, v in tree.iteritems(): if isinstance(v, MutableMapping) and len(v): for child in paired_row_iter(v, path + (k,)): yield child else: yield ((path + (k,)) , v) dict(paired_row_iter({ 'a' : { 'b' :1}, 'c':2, 'd' : {'e': []}, 'e': {} }) ) # {('a', 'b'): 1, ('c',): 2, ('d', 'e'): [], ('e',): {}}
dot = lambda u,v: sum(v for i,v in paired_row_iter(u*v)) dot(mdict(x=1,y=1, z=1), mdict(x=1, y=1, z=1)) # 3 dot(mdict(x=1,), mdict( y=1, z=1)) # 0 dot(mdict(x=1,), mdict(x=-1, y=1, z=1)) # -1For int and real, the resutls are following expectation.
vabs = lambda v: dot(v,v)**.5 distance = lambda u, v: vabs(u-v)It would be more aesthetic for vector of dimension p to write. $$ \left\| x \right\| _p = \bigg( \sum_{ i \in \mathbb N} \left| x_i \right| ^p \bigg) ^{1/p}$$
vcos = lambda u,v : dot(u,v) / vabs(u) / vabs(v) vcos(mdict(x=1, y=1), mdict(x=1, y=0)) # Out[27]: 0.7071067811865475 2**.5/2 # Out[29]: 0.7071067811865476 (cos(45°) vcos(mdict(x=1, ), mdict(x=2, y=4, z=4, v=4)) # Out[30]: 0.3333333333333333 (cos 60°) vcos(mdict(x=1), mdict()) # ZeroDivisionError: float division by zeroSo far so good.
We have something that is built for infinite intricated dimensions, and
that already works for the 2D & 3D euclidean space without even trying.
And we even have a meaningful exception: cos with a null vector does not mean a thing.
Our boring data job? Take a dict (like after we parse a log line, or cvs) and aggregating the data in a dict.
log_line = mdict( ip = "", user_agent = "moz", country="BE", url="/toto" ) data = mdict( by_country = mdict( GR=12, CA=10), user_agent=mdidct(chrome=1, ie=1000,)) data["user_agent"] += log_line * mdict( user_agent = 1)What if we don't have a dict, but just a MutableMapping that directs __getitem__ and __setitem__ to a distant instance?
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